Fujitsu Disaster Response -Chennai Flooding

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Fujitsu is partnering with World Vision India in reaching out to flood-affected people.

Unprecedented torrential downpour in the city of Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India) since November 12th has caused loss of life to over 300 people and left almost 400,000 people displaced in relief camps across the city.

World Vision India is on the ground responding to the widespread flooding in Chennai and other parts of Tamil Nadu. Our National Disaster Task Force is on alert for immediate response.

World Vision India is responding in 43 locations with slum dwellings that were the worst affected by the floods.

Highlights till date


Immediate Needs: World Vision India aims to provide emergency food supplies and other essential items to meet the urgent needs of 21,000 families in Chennai city.

(World Vision will ensure that all items provided and programmes implemented will be in line with prescribed international relief standards)


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