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Fresh Water For a Fresh Start: Bringing Clean Water to Those in Need

A personal campaign sponsored by Denise Davis

August 3, 2024


At Fresh Water For A Fresh Start, our mission is deeply rooted in compassion and a commitment to making a difference in the lives of those who lack access to clean, fresh water. Here's why we are dedicated to this cause:

  1. Health and Vitality: We believe that every human being deserves the fundamental necessity of fresh water to lead a healthy life. Without it, many suffer from preventable diseases and poor health.

  2. Essential for Life: Fresh water is essential for survival. We want to ensure that everyone has access to this basic need, allowing them to live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

  3. Spiritual Calling: We are guided by our faith and the conviction that God requires us to help those in need. This campaign is a way to extend our love and support to the poor and underserved.

  4. Bringing Wholeness: By providing fresh water, we aim to bring a sense of wholeness and well-being to individuals and communities. It’s more than just water; it’s about restoring hope and dignity.

  5. Extending Our Reach: While we may not be able to personally go to every corner of the world, our resources can. Through this campaign, we can reach people in areas where we physically cannot.

  6. Sharing God's Love: We want those we help to know that God cares for them. Through our actions, we hope to reflect the love of God and show that He is mindful of their needs.

  7. Inspiring Hope and Faith: Our goal is to inspire hope and faith in Jesus as the ultimate provider. We believe that our giving can serve as a testament to His provision and care.

  8. Pointing Back to Jesus: Ultimately, our giving is meant to point back to Jesus. We want our efforts to be a beacon of His love and generosity, showing that His love is active and present in their lives.

Join us in making a tangible difference. Your support can help us bring fresh water and a fresh start to those who need it most. Together, we can transform lives and communities, one drop at a time.

Denise Harper Davis

CEO of Fresh Start Property Solutions LLC

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