LCBC Berks- Equipping Churches to Serve Refugees

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LCBC Berks     

Caring for refugee/displaced children and families in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria

Since 2016, the Equipping Churches to Serve Refugees Fund has helped empower more than 400 leaders, as well as 39 churches and Christian organizations, to reach nearly half a million people across Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria. At the onset of the Syrian crisis, the Church was among the first responders, with a mission to “welcome the stranger.” Early church engagement later was overshadowed by the more organized, better resourced, humanitarian response. 

The Equipping Churches to Serve Refugees Fund helps church leaders and congregations in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria provide effective, relevant, compassionate, and culturally sensitive care for refugee and displaced children and families.

This fund enables our local church partners to respond to urgent needs and changing priorities—a flexibility that is critical in such a volatile environment.  

To see more about this project you can go to this report.

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