Lightsource building the future of Cambodia with World Vision

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Lightsource building the future of Cambodia with World Vision

Children living in the poor agricultural region of north-western Cambodia face many challenges.

Most of the population in the region are rice farmers, but this is a notoriously unstable source of income, and many farmers are unable to provide for their families year-round. This can mean a lack of food, poor health and children are often deprived the opportunity to go to school.

Families are often broken up as people are forced to migrate north to Thailand in search of casual work in construction or factories.

The Lightsource Foundation is partnering with World Vision across 40 of the poorest villages in the Koas Kralar district, helping to improve health, access to clean water and education, ensure safety for children and generate a more stable income, so families can stay in their community and flourish together.


In addition, the Lightsource Foundation has installed two solar systems on a primary and secondary school and a third on the only health clinic in the district. This has had a huge impact on the community and has improved the children’s education and learning experience.


The project focuses on equipping local communities to become self-sufficient, so when World Vision's involvement in the community comes to an end, we are confident families will be able to provide for themselves for generations to come.

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