4 South Sudan

4 South Sudan, the partnership between the Lopez Lomong Foundation and World Vision


Join with 2-time Olympian, Lopez Lomong, in supporting World Vision’s relief and stabilization efforts in South Sudan and other East African countries for clean water, education, health care, food security, and child protection programs. Additionally, your gift will help with things like reducing mother and child mortality rates, improving access to health services, providing vaccinations, equipping local communities with Child Friendly Spaces and training resources, and equipping churches with Sunday school curriculum and Bible distribution.


South Sudan observed independence in 2011 but the country continues to experience instability and is still a fragile state. The humanitarian crisis in Upper Nile occurred as a result of fighting and violence in Juba in December 2013 and later spread to other parts of the country including Upper Nile. The situation in Upper Nile further worsened following May 2015 violence due to defection of Agulic/Shilluk forces from the government. As a result, access constraints due to mainly to conflict restricted aid agencies from reaching vulnerable people with vital assistance.

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