Help Bring Water to Rwanda!

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Are you aware that every day 1,000 children under the age of 5 die as a result of bad water, sanitation, and hygiene?  That’s nearly one child per minute, about the time it took to write this paragraph. 

And did you also know that these deaths are all preventable?  It just takes people like us that have the ability, however great or small, to make a difference in the lives of children who lack that ability through no fault of their own.

Each Christmas season we are again reminded of a God who gave because He “so loved the world.”  It’s a story of redemption but also of renewal, restoring goodness to His creation through changed people who are called to bring redeeming love into all the world. 

Tammy and I have heard this call and responded by joining World Vision in their ambitious goal to bring clean water to everyone, everywhere they work by 2030.  Our individual goal is to raise enough funds ($25,000) to bring change to one Rwandan community.  It’s a call that starts with “what’s in your hand” and ends with changed people with hope restored as the barriers to health, education, and economic potential start coming down through something as basic as clean water. 

Doesn’t that sound like redeeming love?  Please consider joining us in this work.

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