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Ashley Osier

For Every Child - WASH


Welcome to my clean water well fundraising page! I am so excited to be a part of a community of people who are already working on raising funds to build a clean water well, provide medical supplies and stand up for children living in the margins.

It is my prayer that each person, team, and company who has started a fundraising page, will see it to completion with success so that these marginalized families can be self-sustaining, children can attend school, and a new standard of living can become the norm. Please take a moment to watch this video and see how clean water can make a critical impact.



I have worked with children since I was in middle school in one capacity or another. Whether it be babysitting, volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club of America, sponsoring kids in Alateen, volunteering at my children's school, or serving in the children's ministry at church. Children have always been on my heart. 

Many years later, in 2009, I attended a church that gave a talk on the lack of clean water in Africa. I couldn't believe what I saw when the pastor showed us what a bottle of water looked like from their water source. The water was a dirty brown color and had various textures inside the bottle. As the pastor explained the environment these men, women and children lived in, my heart grew heavy. I had no idea that young children had to walk barefoot for three miles to get water to drink. And I had no idea that the water they drank was from the same river they used to bath, wash their clothes, and go to the bathroom and where the animals did the same. I didn't know that they had to drink water filled with bacteria that made the villagers sick and that they didn't have enough medical supplies to address the health challenges that resulted from a lack of clean water.

Further, there was no way to self-sustain with planting or growing crops without a clean water source. But the pastor continued sharing information that gave hope for a different life for these people. If we could raise money to build a clean water well near the village, they would reduce illness and be able to use their strength to plant and grow crops to self-sustain.

The church did raise money to build a water well and the pastors went to Africa and oversaw the digging and planting of that well. It was incredibly inspiring for me to see the life-changing impact we could have on a community of men, women and children who lived so far away. I had only change at that time to contribute, but the bottle I filled with nickles, dimes, and pennies make me feel like I was doing something to help these children.

I have wanted to contribute more money to the building of a clean water well ever since. The decline of the economy over the past number of years and other challenges have prevented me from seeing a way to make it happen. But this past year has brought positive changes all around and God has made a way for me to be able to use some of the fees from my weekly stretching class for this cause.

So to meet my teaching costs for this one class I teach,  I am taking fees from three students. All additional student payments are going to my World Vision Water Well fund. My classes have been sparse, but I am hoping to do what I can.

To give you a birds eye view of what I do in my classes, check out this fun "Joint Openers Trailer" from my Friday morning class.



My hope is to get other wellness instructors who are willing to contribute a percentage of their class payments to my Clean Water Well Fund. If there are others who want to partner up with me to attain my goal, praise God! Partner up with me and let's make this happen! 

If you have any input, feedback or comments, please contact me via my email address at [email protected]. You can follow me on my YouTube Channel , my Instagram, and my Facebook and get posture tips, pain relief help, and wellness strategies. To check out more of my work, got to  Website. I have additional resources and links for wellness.

Thank you for your interest and support!


Ashley Osier aka The Posture Specialist

As a special thank you for any contribution, please enjoy the blessings from this Playlist for getting started on improving your posture. Happy Posturing!!

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