Strong Women Strong World 2018 Empower

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Help support ecconomic empowerment for women

Extreme poverty has been dramatically reduced in recent decades. Yet nearly 1 billion women still don't have access to essential financial services. When women aren't able to contribute financially to their families, it affects both their own status - in their family and in their society - and how their children grow up. Women often resourcefully create their own jobs, such as farming or running small businesses, but they need access to financial tools to grow their income, provide for their families, and become all that God intends them to be.

Help World Vision enable lasting change to their communities! 





VisionFund lent over $837 million in 2017 to more than 1.2 million borrowers in 30 countries, with more than 97% of loans repaid on time and in full. 72% of VisionFund's borrowers are women. The Women's Empowerment Fund will help them transform their futures by offering access to the credit, savings, and insurance services that enable them, their farms and businesses, and their children to thrive.



Supporting Women, strengthens families. Research shows that women can do it: increases in women's income result in the direct improvements in their childrent's lives. Every $1.00 you donate becomes $2.30 in loans to women - and that's just in the first year. As these loans are repaid, we'll keep lending to women and expanding the impact of your initial donation to transform lives for years to come.



Together we can provide loands for over 140,000 women annually, a big step toward our larger goal of empowering 1.5 million women every year. Give to the Women's Empowerment Fund today - and be the answer to a mother's prayer to be able to provide well for her children and family.





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