Mexico Earthquake Relief

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help people affected by the mexico earthquake

At least 225 people are dead after a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Mexico Tuesday, September 19th.

Your church can help.

Give a love offering to provide emergency supplies like: Food and water, temporary shelter, mixed medical supplies, hygiene kits with soap, shampoo, and diapers, clothing, and more. 

How is World Vision responding?

“World Vision is working very closely with local authorities and other agencies to provide a rapid and coordinated response. Right now the priority is to continue rescue efforts, but we are also trying to provide food and hygiene kits to meet those basic needs in the first hours of the emergency. And we will likely open Child-Friendly Spaces in the next day, where our specialists will provide emotional support for children and other activities.”

How can I help?

Lead your church in responding with a love offering to help survivors of the Mexico earthquake.

Join us in praying for people affected by the earthquake as well as for emergency responders.

“Almighty Father, we ask for Your mercy on those affected by the Mexico Earthquake. Protect people. Guide emergency responders as they seek to help those in need.”

Prefer to send in an offline donation? Download this form to send in your love offering.


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