Refugee Crisis - City Reformed Presbyterian Church

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Phone 253-815-2830
Email Address [email protected]

Over 60 million people across the globe have been forced to flee their homes due to violent conflict: Syrian refugees, families escaping violence in Mosul, Iraq, children in South Sudan, and many others. More than half of these refugees and displaced people are children. Many of these children spend their entire childhood in a refugee camp—never going to a formal school, never having a permanent home, often in danger of exploitation. You can help refugees, and make a lasting difference for vulnerable, displaced children and families. You’ll be a valuable partner to help provide critical essentials like food, shelter, emergency supplies, and safe places for children to play and learn. And if you become a monthly Refugee Responder, grant funds will double the impact of your gift each month!

Special Message from Spencer: 

The first time I met a refugee was about two years ago in a smoky, dingy apartment complex in a blue collar town in Germany. Despite a difficult past and an uncertain future, our new refugee friends were unfailingly kind and welcoming. They hadn't left all that was familiar to them behind, traveled thousands of miles, and risked their lives simply to receive government welfare. Rather, they were trying to learn German or English, figure out a new political and social system, and then get to work.

In those early interactions, it became clear to me that the entire Christian church needs to get on board with seeking long-term, holistic solutions to the refugee crisis. Though emergency aid is essential, we can't simply hand out bags of rice one time and call it good. 

World Vision is carrying out the Biblical mandate to "look after orphans and widows in their distress" (James 1:27) in a responsible, holistic way that promotes the Gospel and meets peoples' short-term and long-term needs. The church as a whole must start thinking of the refugee crisis as a long-term issue, one which will shape our priorities for years to come. Please pledge to support the work of the church through World Vision - everything that you give will go towards helping refugees create a new life where there was none. 



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