Dear Friends,

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit this page. If you're like me, you want to be able to do something to respond to the suffering of the millions of Syrian refugees, particularly as the winter months are here. Please feel free to join me here. I set this up so that it would be easy for my friends and family to act together. I believe WE CAN make a difference by learning together, by giving together, and for those who pray, by praying.

I chose WorldVision because I've given to them in the past, saw WV's leader speak on this topic live earlier this year, and they have been listed widely as one of the key organizations working with Syrian refugees.

First the LEARNING: I hope to read more and share. Civil war has torn Syria apart. HALF of all Syrians have had to flee their homes. HALF! 

Over 3.6 million people -- moms and dads, sons and daughters -- are living in refugee camps in unimaginable conditions. (That’s like the population of Los Angeles!) They are not much different than you and me. Many lived a middle class life in Syria… doctors, lawyers, teachers… but now everything has been taken from them. 

It’s the children who suffer the most. More than 6.5 million children have been impacted since the crisis began over 4 years ago. Many children have lost their friends, family members and seen unspeakable horrors. And do you know what they fear? That we will forget about them.

Let's remember them, shall we?

Next the GIVING, please give whatever you feel led to give. Even a few bucks is ok! I've been personally convicted that I want to give so that it costs me something, in part so that my heart is reminded to continually think of those I'm helping. For this reason, I hope to be forgoing a few discretionary spends in my life the next few months (that nice hair appointment I was looking forward to, bringing my lunch to work when I can, etc) to do this. Please feel free to join me or just give what you'd like to. As a wise saying goes, "where our treasure is, our heart is also..."

Finally, the PRAYING. If you pray, I've found World Vision's prayer guide to be a great start. Please let's hold each other accountable to praying, and asking God to intervene on their behalf.

Thank you for your support!


P.S. Would you also help me raise awareness of this issue by watching and sharing these videos (below)?