Friends, family, Internet humans:


If you've known us for a while or exchanged more than a few pleasantries about the weather, you might know that our birthdays—Kati & John—were in the fine month of September. Some of you contributed donations to refugees during that month, and we're so grateful.

Now we're in the throes of Christmas.

We're not usually the Christmas gift hype type (say that 10 times fast), but we thought of something a little different for this year:

If you would normally send a card or a gift to either one of us, please don't. This year, we'd love it if you would consider giving to help these people in desperate need—even if just a dollar or two.

This isn't about Christmas gift expectations, or just supporting a cause. This is about honoring and protecting humanity. This refugee crisis has been on our minds lately and we want to help, even if it's in a small way.

We can't do everything to help everyone, but we can help a few people.

Syria, Iraq, and the Refugee Crisis

You may have heard about the massive refugee crisis happening in the Middle East.

Many are calling it one of the greatest humanitarian disasters of this century, yet it's easy for us to just talk about it instead of doing something to address it. 

Here are some quick details:

  1. Civil war has torn Syria apart. Half of all Syrians have had to flee their homes.
  2. Over 3.6 million people -- moms and dads, sons and daughters -- are living in refugee camps in unimaginable conditions. (That’s like the population of Los Angeles.) They are not much different than you and me. Many lived a middle class life in Syria… doctors, lawyers, teachers… but now everything has been taken from them. 
  3. It’s the children who suffer the most. More than 6.5 million children have been impacted since the crisis began over 4 years ago. Many children have lost their friends, family members and seen unspeakable horrors. And do you know what they fear? That we will forget about them.
  4. Meet 10-year-old Haya, who simply wants to go back to her home in Syria.
  5. Remember the picture of a Syrian toddler washed up on the shore after trying to escape to safety in Europe? That's only a glimpse of the tragic humanitarian crisis of our time.

If you're more visually inclined, below are a few videos you can watch and share.

Thanks for considering this, friends and family and Internet humans.

Especially if you decide to give a couple bucks toward helping these refugees instead of buying a card or Christmas gift, thank you so much.

We're really grateful for people like you in our lives.

 - Kati & John Weirick